

了解新的安全, 认证和供应链要求使美国的系统集成商.S. 联邦信息通信技术游戏.


的 shift in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) landscape has been a game-changer across organizations globally. 然而, perhaps none have felt it more than System Integrators working in government environments w再来 security, 认证, compliancy and the instability of the global supply chain have created uncertainty not previously experienced.

当世界陷入混乱时, government organizations were forced to side-line any digital transformation planning that may have been in the works. 他们需要迅速确保远程工作环境是安全的, 产品通过认证, 而且供应链符合政府标准. 在任何时候都是一项艰巨的任务,在全球不确定的时代更是一项艰巨的任务.


当我们解决了, 为解决过去三年的疑虑而引入的改革正在被重新审视. 的 new normal demands new deployments leverage cloud networking to meet citizens’ service expectations and support employee hybrid working. 这给系统集成商带来了新的安全挑战, reliability and technical requirements must be met to deliver the ICT solutions governments demand.

In addition to global supply chain issues that create delays in invoicing and impact operating cost, 不断发展的安全性和遵从性需求使集成工作进一步复杂化. 为了提供政府所需的网络,当今的系统集成商必须:



•利用网络基础设施,可以快速,轻松地交付, 配置和维护

Network and data security continue to be one of the most significant challenges System Integrators face. 2020年对数据泄露的一项审查暴露了美国政府.S. 各级政府对攻击的敏感性. 的 four most significant attacks included breaches into the Office of Personnel Management, 退伍军人事务部, 国家档案和记录管理局, 和你.S. Voter数据库.

如今的联邦政府信息通信技术网络比以往任何时候都更加复杂. 用于通信和计算的硬件和软件, 实现智能建筑的物联网(物联网)设备, 监控和安全解决方案, 和加热, 通风和空调(HVAC), 所有这些都连接到本地或云中的主要操作中心. And with every connected device and access point a potential gateway into the network is created for any nefarious actors looking to infiltrate the network.


安全的网络需要安全的供应链. Federal government departments must ensure that the suppliers they engage deliver the critical ICT elements through secure supply chains.

2 2021年,U.S. 行政命令使ITC的供应链受到关注. 的 first resulted in eight recommendations from the Department of Commerce (DOC) and Department of Homeland 保安公司 (DHS) about how to strengthen supply chain resiliency. A key recommendation was to build resiliency through secure and transparent supply chains with “procurement and monitoring efforts such as implementing an Assured Supplier Program for PCBs for Federal Government and establishing a Critical Supply Chain Resilience Program at the Department of Commerce.”  的 second Executive Order created guidelines for enhancing software supply chain security, 以及供应商测试其软件源代码的最低标准..

的 goal of these efforts is to reduce the potential for backdoor gateways into critical ICT infrastructures. 这对系统集成商来说意味着什么, 然而, is that the process of supplying ICT hardware and software to federal government agencies has become much more regulated and protected. System Integrators must now ensure that any solution they propose meets new secure supply chain requirements and standards before they can even respond to an RFP.

While System Integrators may find suppliers that can meet most or all the requirements, the challenge of finding a reliable and ongoing supply of hardware and software will continue for some time. 全球半导体短缺进一步加剧了本已紧张的供应链, with some analysts predicting shortages will continue to affect most industries until 2024 or later.


在U.S. System integrators must also ensure the products they deliver are certified to federal government standards. This means networking solutions proposed for Department of Defense (DOD) contracts must be on the Department of Defense Information Network (DoDIN) Approved Products List (APL). 和在名单上, 所有产品必须经过认证,以满足主要安全标准, 例如:


• U.S. 联合互操作性测试司令部(JITC)符合性测试

• U.S. 联邦信息处理标准(FIPS) 140-2

Although not all federal government RFPs require 认证 to meet specific DoD standards, System Integrators that can provide products that meet these 认证s can count themselves in the game.

In addition to all of the above, the “Buy American” requirement adds yet another level of challenges. New rules dictate that federal procurement policies now require all purchases to have a higher level of “Made in America” products. 在“购买美国货”计划下, 产品必须“至少具有美国制造组件价值的60%”.S.目前的门槛是55%. 到2024年,这一标准将提高到65%,到2029年将提高到75%.”


毫无疑问,向美国提供信息通信技术集成.S. 联邦政府在过去几年中发生了重大变化. 的 right 网络解决方案 will be key to offering comprehensive integrations that enable the efficient exchange of information among government employees and with citizens, 无论他们在哪里. 阿尔卡特朗讯企业的合作方式, exceptional professional services and track record delivering government ICT solutions has made us a trusted partner for System integrators around the world. 安全的, compliant and flexible networks that provide a vital link to cloud-based applications are essential. 的 阿尔卡特-朗讯OmniSwitch 产品系列超越供应链和网络安全标准, aar是一样, 包含在DoDIN APL中,并经过认证,符合主要安全标准. 了解更多火狐体育手机 网络解决方案 用于国防和民用机构,医疗保健,运输,航空和司法.




史蒂文Kleinpeter has been the 阿尔卡特朗讯企业美国联邦销售总监 for 11 years, 他在联邦通信网络方面拥有超过30年的经验.




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