

As the ICT market evolves System Integrators must focus on key solution elements to address shifting government requirements.


It’s clear to all in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) space, that providing integrations to government agencies has changed significantly over the past few years. 公民和员工的期望已经发生了变化, and operational changes introduced as a stopgap measure to mitigate the impact of the pandemic are now 再来 to stay. These are the changes that are driving requirements for even more complex government ICT solutions.

为了取得成功,系统集成商保持领先地位是很重要的. 而政府将继续关注以云为中心的解决方案, 系统集成商需要确保他们的交付是安全的, reliable and flexible networks that provide a vital link to cloud-based applications enabling government employees and citizens to gain access to whatever they need w再来ver they are.


The right combination of network technologies is essential to enable System Integrators to respond to government ICT RFPs with tailored integrations. Below are seven key elements that should be top-of-mind for any System Integrator considering working in the government ICT space.

1. 开放的标准: Networking solutions built on open standards and open architectures are essential to efficient integrations. With a projection of 20 billion Internet of Things (物联网) objects connected globally by 20251, 保持简单是关键. The more open a solution is the easier it will be to integrate it into a standards-based network architecture. 就越容易添加, enhance and upgrade the architecture with advanced technologies as they become available throughout its lifecycle.

2. 设计灵活性: Government ICT solutions must be flexible to scale the network up or down as needed. 与灵活, 总部位于德国标准。, 集成商可以满足政府对覆盖范围的需求, 今天分布式网络的容量和功能, and easily adapt and add to the network to accommodate more users with access and services tomorrow.

3. 安全的硬件和软件: System integrators must ensure the hardware and software solutions they propose meet the secure supply chain guidelines defined by government purchasing departments. 这包括核查硬件和软件的原产国, 以及所有操作软件的安全遵从性.

4. 零信任安全: 传统的网络安全保护方法已经不够用了. Network architectures based on zero trust security principles with hardware and software products that can be configured through macro- and micro-segmentation to operate in a “Never Trust-Always Verify” mode are required. This will provide more granular control of user and device access to reduce the risk of potential attacks on the network.

5. 零-touch provisioning: Network hardware and software should be engineered to streamline integration and deployment. 手动配置增加了大规模网络部署的时间和成本. Solutions that support zero-touch provisioning can save time and money during initial deployments, 以及未来的升级, 为容纳更多用户而需要进行的增强和添加, 更多办公室Contato, 以及更多的覆盖范围和容量需求.

6. 易于管理: Integrators should consider solutions that eliminate the need for multiple management systems for network resources in favour of a single system that provides a cohesive view across all network resources. 管理系统单一, integrators can provide government departments with rationalised and standardised visibility and control over all network elements, 无论他们被部署在哪里.

7. 供应中心: 在今天的预算意识环境, integrators must deliver more functionality with every network integration while keeping an eye on costs. 赢得政府合同,部署最优网络架构, integrators need products and solutions that can be configured and delivered quickly and maintained easily. 赢得投标, 集成商必须提供高度安全的下一代网络, rugged and flexible networking solutions engineered to support the most complex requirements and deliver a higher return on investment.


在啤酒, we simplify government network integrations with standards-based communications, 支持不断变化的ICT格局的网络和云产品. 我们的可定制和易于管理的网络解决方案提供集成, 经优化的具有成本效益的产品,可更快、更有效地传输数据. 我们所有的产品都提供增强的安全性, 可靠性, and operational efficiency for every network integration without requiring integrators and their customers to get locked into complex, disintegrated, 限制性和昂贵的硬件和软件路线图.

我们的伙伴关系方式, exceptional professional services and track record delivering ICT solutions for local, national and federal government departments has made us a trusted partner for system integrators around the world.

看看我们的 白皮书 to learn more about how we can help with your next government network integration.




Jay is responsible for Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise’s UK Government go-to-market strategy. His experience working with government organisations provides in-depth knowledge of the industry’s business processes, 技术生态系统和挑战. Jay has 16 years of experience in the technology industry, six of which are in the public sector.



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标签- 政府
